Posts Tagged ‘norfolk guided birdwatching’
January 24th-28th Five day Winter Tour
Day One of Five Norfolk Group Winter tour The first day of a five day tour was spent at Holkham NNR with a huge number of wildfowl as well as waders, divers and sea ducks. Thousands of Pink-footed Geese filled the fields to the north as well as 100+ White-fronted Geese showing down to 40m…
Read MoreNovember 23rd – 24th Norfolk Exclusive guided half days
A good morning at Holkham NNR on 23rd with an amazing 30,000 Pink-footed Geese present, a wonderful sight and sound! The 5 Shorelarks were still present in cordon area, but flew off inland just as we were leaving. The Pines held mix flocks of finches and tits, plus Treecreeper and we also caught up with…
Read MoreNovember 19th – Norfolk Exclusive guided day
Seawatching early on today produced a good mix of birds with 3 Eider, 20 Common Scoter, Red-throated Diver, Little Gull & 5 Great Crested Grebe. Out on the marsh there were skeins of Pink-footed Goose ,150 Dark-bellied Brent Goose, 2 Pintail, 3 Marsh Harrier, a Peregrine flushing a lot of the wildfowl, plus Avocet, a…
Read MoreNovember 16-18th Three Day Norfolk Birding group tour
Day One – 16th November Hunstanton, Holkham & Titchwell This 3 day/ 3 night Norfolk tour was based from The Burleigh at Hunstanton. We started the day with a quick look at Hunstanton Cliffs, this proved productive, with highlights being 2 Whooper Swans moving South out over the sea, plus a superb ringtail Hen harrier…
Read MoreNovember 8th & 9th Norfolk Exclusive 2 day Tour
Day One – Back to Snettisham again for another high tide! I picked up Sarah, Sue & Maggie in Hunstanton and then we headed straight to Snettisham for another High tide, none of them had ever seen it and their excitement was great to see! They weren’t to be dissappointed! Adding to the theatre of…
Read MoreOctober 25-27th Norfolk Three Day tour
Day one – Hunstanton cliffs, Holme Dunes & Titchwell RSPB The day and the tour started bright and early with an amazing 3 hours watching visible migration at Hunstanton Cliffs, with an amazing passage and continuous flow of birds passing South, that included 54,800 Starling, 6013 Chaffinch, 88 Brambling, 162 Siskin, 387 Lapwing and also…
Read MoreOctober 13th -17th Norfolk Autumn tour
Scarce & Rare Bird Tour – (minus the rare birds this autumn!) This year wasn’t the best for Scarce or Rare birds, with weeks of Westerly winds, there was a distinct lack of scarce migrants or rare birds along the East Coast of the Uk and Norfolk! However, we enjoyed some nice birding and managed…
Read MoreOctober 9th & 10th – Norfolk High tide Spectaculars
A weekend mainly birding at Snettisham with an exclusive tour on Saturday, followed by a group tour of fourteen on Sunday. Both days concentrated on the High tide spectacular with close on 100,000 Red Knot, again providing an amazing spectacle. Other highlights over the weekend were 1500 Golden Plover, 3 Little Stints, 4 Spotted Redshank,…
Read MoreJuly 2021 – Norfolk Guided Birding & wildlife tour reports
As well as the 4 day wildlife tour we also ran several exclusive Norfolk guided birdwatching days through July. From early July returning adult waders and shorebirds started to appear. A list of bird species recorded are below and and include species recorded during guiding and personal birding sessions. The better birds are in bold!…
Read More17th March 2020 – A day looking for Goshawks
An exclusive day mainly aimed at seeing Goshawks. We started in N Norfolk at my local site, it was an ideal morning, with some sunny spells and a good breeze. We were rewarded very quickly with a single male Goshawk skirting along the tree tops around 9.15am, then a lull with Buzzards dominating, at least…
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