A Wildlife & Birding Tour of Northern India December 1st-15th 2022
Participants:- Julia Burton, Judith Cavey, Pete Dolton, John & Dolores Fletcher, Amanda Myers & Andrew Stirrat.
Tour guides:– Chris Mills, Sumantha Ghosh, Brijendra Singh & Jaypee

NORTH INDIA TOUR 1st-15st December 2022.
The tour took in four areas each with its own character brought about by habitat and altitude and thus we encountered a wide variety of avifauna, mammals and other aspects of Natural History.
Firstly, we arrived in Delhi and then visited Bharatpur – set in a vast, flat plain, a World Heritage site and a wetland home to large numbers of nesting egrets, herons, ibis and storks against a backdrop of raptors, owls and passerines in the drier areas. We stayed at The Birders’ Inn for 4 nights situated just three hundred metres from the entrance gates and spent just over 3 and half days in this area.
We then travelled North and spent one night in River’s Edge Hotel, before we moved onto the Corbett National Park, staying about a mile from the park entrance at The Golden Tusk. For three mornings and three afternoons we were transported by safari jeep with mammals featuring as high on our agenda as birds.
Next we moved on to Vangat Lodge for 2 nights in the Corbett buffer zone. Vangat has no vehicle access and we walked just over a mile to reach the camp and then took the rather exciting river crossing to the camp on a raft! Vangat is far away from the bustle, dust and noise of Indian towns, set in a stunning surroundings, in a steep sided forested river valley next to the glacial waters of the Ramganga river.
Finally, we climbed higher towards the foothills of the Himalayas and birded the forest areas around Sattal staying at the appropriately named Birders’ Den complete with bird feed station and hides.
The accommodation during the trip was of a high standard. All provided hot water and clean, Western style toilets. Staff were very friendly and went out of their way to help us. Food would be categorised as curry but while not as hot as what might be available in your local UK curry house, all of it was tasty and plentiful.
TOUR IMAGES – All images in this report are copyrighted and should not be use without our permission.
Thursday 1st December 2022 – UK Heathrow Departure
The group met up at Heathrow in good time to get through the required formalities which was made easier by the assistance of Sacha Barbato of Travel Counsellours (our preferred Travel Agent for flights) emailing our boarding passes to us. Our Virgin Atlantic flight was direct to Delhi. The flight was incident free and comfortable.
Friday 2nd December – Dehli to Bharatpur
With a time difference of five and a half hours, we arrived in Delhi just before 0200 local time. We exchanged sterling for rupees before meeting our local guide Ceejay and then our driver with minbus. The first impression of Delhi was of very busy streets considering the hour. We were soon at the gates of the Ashok Country Resort Hotel arriving at 0345 and straightway retired to our rooms.
0715 saw the first members of the group out for pre-breakfast birding in the grounds of the hotel. Indian eafowl, Red-wattled Lapwing and House Crow strutted around on a lawn amongst the remnants of an Indian wedding, the trees held Oriental White-eye, Brown-headed Barbet, Black Drongo and both Red-whiskered and Red-vented Bulbul and Oriental Magpie Robin. Overhead, a procession of Black Kites made their way across the city together with a Black-shouldered Kite and a small number of Little Swifts. Common Myna and Jungle Babbler were prominent around the buildings.
Departure was soon after breakfast as we started the long drive towards Bharatpur. With rainfall in recent weeks having been higher than average, there were a number of pools alongside the roads. Black-winged Stilt was the dominant wader but also present were Common, Green and Wood Sandpipers plus several Spot-billed Ducks. Around the waterside edges were Indian Pond Herons, Great and Little Egrets, Purple Heron, White-breasted Waterhen and Purple Swamphens. Two Sarus Cranes were the highlight and gave prolonged views to appreciate their size especially when spreading wings wide.
A roadside lunch stop had us looking upwards as more Black and Black-shouldered Kites drifted above us together with four Egyptian Vultures, Painted and Black Storks and Red-rumped and Wire-tailed Swallows. An Oriental Honey Buzzard refused to come close but showed enough of its distinctive shape.
Continuing our journey, there were flocks of Cattle Egrets, a couple of Greater Coucal, Common Hoopoe, Black Drongo, Asian Pied and Brahminy Starlings. Numerous White-throated Kingfishers were perched on roadside wires.
Darkness was falling as we arrived at the Birders’ Inn in Bharatpur. We settled into our rooms and after a welcome hot shower. We appreciated a meal of various vegetarian curries.

Saturday 3rd December – Bharatpur/Keoladeo NP
An early breakfast ensured that we were ready at first light to meet our guide Brijendra Singh and our three rickshaw drivers. Brijendra was very knowledgeable with regard to all aspects of the natural history of the reserve and also able at cycling along it tracks with extended tripod and telescope over a shoulder!!
As we assembled, a mist descended and in the time it took us to cover the three hundred yards to the park entrance visibility was down to 50 yards. Our drivers informed us that the mist would clear at nine o’clock. We decided to start off on foot and by concerted pishing, we were able to encourage Long-tailed Shrike, Bluethroat, Orphean Warbler, Purple Sunbird and both Hume’s and Greenish Warblers into view.
Ten minutes before nine, the sun broke through and by nine, the mist had cleared. Taking our rickshaws, we followed the main track through areas of scrub with some mature trees. Bluethroats were now sitting out in the open; a small flock of Yellow-footed Green Pigeons became far more colourful and, in general, bird activity increased. A small wooded area gave us three Flycatchers within ten minutes –Grey-headed Canary, Red-breasted and then the brilliant Ultramarine which at one point was sat, front on to us, showing its white underparts with intense deep blue sides of neck and breast. An absolute stunner!
With the hotel being so close by we were able to return there for lunch and were soon back in the park. This time pedal power took us further into the park, away from the area of scrub and where grassland has areas of open water. This is traversed by tree lined tracks on raised up banks. The numbers and variety of water birds was staggering; Painted Storks, Asian Openbills, Woolly-necked Stork, Black-headed Ibis, four species of Egret, Purple and Grey Herons, Indian, Little and Great Cormorants all giving excellent prolonged views. Raptors were represented by Crested Serpent Eagle, Marsh Harrier, both Indian and Greater Spotted Eagle and White-eyed Buzzard as well as Common Hawk Cuckoo
Along the lines of trees there was Lesser Golden-backed Woodpecker and Indian Grey Hornbill. Our guide knew exactly which tree to find Spotted Owlets. Towards the end of the afternoon, flocks of Citrine Wagtails gathered prior to roosting. We returned to the hotel after an amazing day but realising that there was still more to see.
Sunday 4th December Bharatpur
There was not so much fog as the previous day as we left the hotel at 7am. Again we had a morning and then an afternoon session on the park. On arrival, we went in search of a reported Siberian Rubythroat alongside a track side pool. After brief views were obtained as it skulked through a clump of undergrowth, the Siberian Rubythroat was seen making its way down a tree trunk in full view.
We then moved to a part of the wetland area we did not visit the day before. A highlight was a flock of Pintail. They all took to the air at the same time probably due to the presence of Eastern Imperial Eagles. The sound of the wingbeats of more than a thousand birds resembled a long and distant rumble of thunder. Also seen were groups of Teal, small numbers of Shoveler, Comb Ducks, a single Red-crested Pochard and fly over Bar-headed Geese.
As well as the Storks, Herons and Egrets from yesterday, there were Yellow Bittern and Striated Heron, – both close to the edge of the track but both inconveniently half hidden by vegetation. More prominent were Glossy Ibis, Eurasian Spoonbill and Black-crowned Night Heron. Sarus Cranes were heard but distant. The patterning the tertials and coverts on a spread-winged Darter gave it a prehistoric air. With the season being wetter than normal, there were fewer waders than in previous visits. A Spotted Redshank was heard and a Common Sandpiper seen. Pheasant-tailed Jacanas and White-breasted Waterhen were present in good numbers.
Of the mammals, packs of Rhesus Macaques were seen along with a family of Wild Boar. Spotted Deer were numerous. Roosting Fruit Bats were suspended from the trees surrounding a small temple
We went off on a side track from the main one. A Wryneck was feeding at the base of a line of tree stumps and was obliging enough to give everyone telescope views. A loud fluty call alerted us to the presence of Indian Golden Oriole which then sat out in full view. Its black eye patch looking like its Eurasian cousin that had over done the black eye-shadow.
After Clamorous Reed Warblers giving calls from deep in bushes, Grey Francolins along the track and a Dusky Eagle Owl roosting against a trunk of a tree we headed back reaching the main gate with a few minutes to spare before the park shut.
Monday 5th December Kumher and Bharatpur.
The day started with a Shikra flying through the garden of the hotel. We set off through the town towards the dry plains of Kumher. En route, a lake in the city of Bharatpur, totally surrounded by houses around its edge, was home to a group of 400 or more Shoveler looking totally out of place in such urban surroundings. On arrival at Kumher, the area of suitable habitat had decreased with large areas now ploughed up and with crops set. In what remained, we managed excellent views of Indian Bush-Lark, Greater Short-toed Lark, Crested Lark and Ashy-crowned Sparrow Lark as well as having side by side comparison of Isabelline and Desert Wheatears and several Tawny Pipits. Also present, were two Hoopoes, Indian Roller and Large Grey Bulbul.
An area of scrub produced Bay-breasted Shrike and Siberian Stonechat and an Egyptian Vulture was stood in a field.
It is disappointing the remainder of this suitable Lark habitat is likely to be built on in the next year and so many of the species we saw will be lost to the area.
We returned to the hotel for lunch and then for our last visit to the park.
Additions to our park list included Gadwall, Pochard and Ruddy Shelduck. A surprise was an Indian Nightjar roosting along a branch. Two White-tailed Lapwings were in company of
Red-wattled Lapwing. We climbed an observation tower where, with dusk approaching, we had a view that epitomised Bharatpur with a pair of Eastern Imperial Eagles high in a tree and below Egrets and Indian Pond Heron, Sarus Crane called in the distance with Nilgai, a large antelope, wading through the flooded grassland. A fitting, final view of Bharatpur.
Tuesday 6th December Bharatpur to Corbett NP.
With bags packed and minibus loaded, we said our farewells to Birders’ Inn staff and headed northwards. Minibus birding gave views, albeit fleeting, of Black and Black-shouldered Kites, Egyptian Vulture and Shikra. White-throated Kingfishers were encountered frequently on road side wires. We encountered the full range of traffic using Indian roads; tractors pulling trailers loaded so high with harvested sugar cane, it came as no surprise that one had toppled over, motor bikes carrying up to four people and a range of unexpected goods. Memorable were two up with the passenger holding a double bed mattress in front of him.
A stop at a roadside pool produced two dainty Marsh Sandpipers, Black-winged Stilts and Common Redshank together with Woolly-necked and Painted Storks
A second more urgent stop was made when a tyre punctured. The wheel was expertly changed by our driver in less time than it took us to eat our packed lunch and see White-breasted Waterhen, White Wagtail, Indian Pond Heron and Green Sandpiper on a small, roadside pool.
A later stop for legs stretch produced Little Bee-eaters, Hoopoe, Long-tailed Shrike and Grey Hornbill.
It was late afternoon when we reached the River Edge Hotel on the edge of Corbett NP. On arrival, all members of the group were presented with a traditional garland of marigolds.

Wednesday 7th December Ramganga River and Corbett NP.
After breakfast and a short journey, we were on the edge of the boulder field that is exposed in the dry season leaving a narrow channel of water. Our main target eluded us (read on to 12th December) but there was still much to see. River Lapwing, Plumbeous Water Redstart and White-capped Water Redstart gave excellent views. Andy picked out a Collared Falconet perched at the top of a tree- an unexpected find here. Crested Kingfishers patrolled the water edges and a Wallcreeper was feeding between boulders. A White-browed Wagtail could be compared with a near-by White Wagtail.
We moved downstream a few kilometres where a bridge crossed high above the river. A group of seven Goosander were diving for food and a pair of Wallcreepers displayed below us – not the views expected of these.
Coffee was taken back at the hotel before loading the minibus, during this time our attention was drawn to a calling phylloscopus warbler. It gave only brief views but showed a double wing bar but no crown stripe. The call did not seem to match any of the likely suspects but a recording was taken and sonogram analysis showed it to be a Hume’s Warbler albeit with slightly off-key call.
A short drive took us to the Golden Tusk Hotel close to the entrance to the Corbett NP. After an excellent lunch- especially the desserts, we set off in three safari jeeps with drivers and guide. At the gate, formalities were completed quickly and we were able to enter the park.
We entered an area of grassland, scrub and woodland with dried up river beds. Not far from the gate we had our first views of Red Jungle Fowl skulking through the undergrowth. Being our first day in woodland we met with a whole range of new species with woodpeckers to the fore. In the course of the afternoon we saw Rufous, Great Slaty, and Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpeckers in addition to close relatives Greater Yellow-nape and both Himalayan and Lesser Goldenback. Alarm calls of Spotted Deer are often an indicator of a Tiger nearby. Despite hearing these on three occasions, all that appeared were several other jeeps also altered by the call. Realistically with the tall, straw coloured grasses around us, we would only see a Tiger should it cross the track in front of us. Colour was provided by small flocks of Red-breasted, Plum-headed and Slaty-headed Parakeet as well as Black-headed Oriole and Blue-bearded Bee-eater. On a more mundane level, we saw the only Wood Pigeons of the trip.
The park has very strict rules about staying in the vehicles except at fenced in compounds. A stop at one allowed close up views of an obliging Taiga Flycatcher. Overhead both Himalayan and Griffon Vultures circled along with a single Steppe Eagle. A Spangled Drongo gave tantalising views until it perched in the open to see the full extent of the twists in its tail.
Bengal Bush Lark, Grey-cheeked Prinia and Red-vented Bulbul were seen in an area of scrub and then a group of Elephant appeared at a pace that could only be described as a saunter. This group contained both adult females and younger ones. After they had passed, an adult bull moving with much more urgency crossed the track in front of us. Grey-headed Warbler, Common Tailorbird, Scaly-breasted Munia and Chestnut-breasted Nuthatch completed the day. But the final bird of the day was a Jungle Owlet perched on wires just by the hotel.
Thursday 8th December Corbett NP.
After an early morning tea in our rooms, we were on our jeeps for a 6.15 departure from the hotel. The Jungle Owlet was in exactly the same place as thirteen hours before. At 6.30, the gates of the park opened. At first, the track took us through a well wooded area where several Red Junglefowl were seen. After a short distance, this opened out with grassland interspersed with scrub either side of the track. All in an instant, a Tiger appeared, crossed the track and disappeared. With the three jeeps in convoy, half of the group managed a view and the other half wondered what might have been. Compensation was in the form of a spectacular performance by a group of Great Hornbills. A deep and loud ‘gronk’ call would be heard and then a crashing sound as a bird emerged from the near the top of a tree and flew. This would be followed by another then another until we had seen twelve. B
ack into the woodland a range of forest birds were seen including Coppersmith Barbets, Blue-throated and Lineated Barbets, Fulvous Woodpecker and Common Iora. Both Black-hooded and Maroon Orioles gave their own variations of the fluty notes we associate with Golden Orioles in Europe. Above the trees, parties of Crested Tree Swifts hawked for insects and higher still there were soaring a group of Himalayan Vultures in the company of a single Cinereous Vulture, distinctive with its thinner wings and shorter and squarer tail. An Oriental Honey Buzzards drifted over as did a Steppe Eagle. With much to see, our packed breakfast was not taken until 10.30. Indian Roller and Ashy Drongo gave good views before we had to leave the park before 11.30.
Lunch was taken at the hotel and there was time for a brief walk around the hotel grounds seeing Red-breasted Flycatcher and Lemon-rumped Warbler before returning to the park when it reopened at 1.30. Most of the afternoon was spent watching above a bend in the river which gave good views both upstream and downstream. We waited for birds and one mammal in particular to show.The aptly named Stork-billed Kingfisher perched high up in a tree while Crested, Pied and Common sat on the riverside rocks. A distant Black Stork passed the afternoon in the same fashion as us across the valley.
A troop of Himalayan Langurs went about their business in trees alongside the jeeps but there were no sightings of the hoped for Tiger. Retracing our track towards the main gate, we saw a Peregrine of the subspecies peregrinator with rufous underparts and six Elephants, presumably of the group seen the previous day. Back at the hotel tea was taken on the lawn as the sun went down.
Friday 9th December Corbett National Park.
Again into the park at 6.30. Initially, woodpeckers dominated with Himalayan and Lesser Goldenbacks, Lesser Yellownape plus Grey-headed, Grey-capped Pygmy and Fulvous Woodpeckers seen. A Drongo, half hidden in a tree, finally gave a view of its twisted tail feathers that showed it to be Racket-tailed. Later White-bellied and Ashy completed a Drongo trio. A group of Great Hornbills were heard in flight, some while before they were seen. Later, a group of six Oriental Pied Hornbills looked diminutive in comparison with their larger cousins. Velvet-fronted Nuthatch and Plain-backed Thrush were new for the trip. As the morning warmed up, vultures took to the air- at one point thirty Himalayan and two Cinereous were in a kettle together. In several places, we saw Tiger prints along the track. Then, retracing our route where we had passed some ninety minutes before, there was a very fresh pile that could only have been left by a Tiger.
During a post lunch stroll in the hotel grounds, a Brown Shrike was seen on rough ground just outside the fence. While watching the Shrike, a Wallcreeper was seen flicking over rocks in the dried up stream bed. Then overhead, a King Vulture glided by, with obvious white on upper thighs and around neck, and finally a Taiga Flycatcher taking prey on the lawn.
In the afternoon, the Black Stork and Stork-billed Kingfisher were on the same perches as the previous day. Pin-tailed Green Pigeon, Black-crested Bulbul and White-crested Laughing Thrush were the final highlights.
Saturday 10th December Corbett NP to Vangat
For our last morning in Corbett were in the park soon after 6.30am passing the Jungle Owlet on its usual wire. Black-headed Orioles were calling and an Oriental Honey Buzzard drifted over. A Himalayan Rubythroat was seen briefly and a Golden Jackal stalked across the track in front of us. Again, we saw signs of Tiger– on this occasion pug marks alongside which was a furrow indicating prey being dragged. Then, as it was almost time to leave the park, there was continuous alarming from Spotted Deer for over two minutes but no sightings. Also seen were Ashy, Spangled and White–bellied Drongos and Grey-capped Pygmy, Grey-headed and Streak-throated Woodpeckers. At the river, there were Crested, Pied and Common Kingfishers. Overhead, a kettle of Himalayan Griffon Vultures numbered ten together with two Cinereous Vultures. Also seen were a Changeable Hawk Eagle, a Steppe Eagle and a Shikra. A single Great Hornbill thundered its way through the tree tops. A Small Minivet posed for photographs. Soon we had to leave the park.
Returning to the hotel with luggage loaded, we said our goodbyes to drivers and guides and departed after a quick brunch. Our journey took us around a side of the National Park and although we were on a busy road, two Elephants were devouring and uprooting forest vegetation less than a hundred yards away. A Blue-bearded Bee-eater was perched on a water tower in Randagar.
The road to Vangat followed the course of a river before rising steeply with multiple hairpin bends before dropping down again. Finally, the road ended alongside a metal suspension bridge across a river. From here, we set off on foot. Our bags followed us thanks staff from the camp. After a mile, the path reached the bank of the river. A wooden raft carried us across two or three at a time before we walked the final stretch to the camp. It is run by Ghosh predominately for birders. The accommodation consists of a number of thatched chalets spread across the grounds with a covered eating area next to an outdoor area where we were given drinks on arrival.
A bucket of hot water was brought to our rooms for washing. Owing to the altitude, in the evening each of us was given a hot water bottle. It turned out to be a luxury rather than an essential.

Sunday 11th December Vangat
With our chalets set on the edge of woodland, there was an opportunity for some first light birding. This produced sightings of Himalayan and Red-vented Bulbul and Rufous Treepie. After early morning tea, we left the compound and headed through an area of scrub towards the river. We managed to get brief but conclusive views of a skulking White-tailed Rubythoat and a Great Hornbill made its presence obvious by calling from the hillside above the camp. Along the river, Plumbeous and White-capped Water Redstarts were prominent on boulders along the banks of the river while Crested, Pied and Common Kingfishers patrolled up and down. A Brown Dipper was seen before flying up stream. A Little Forktail appeared down stream of us but then a quiet and the remarkably calm voice of Dolores’ was heard to say ‘THERE’S A TIGER, A TIGER OVER THERE’!!
Andrew captured the Tigress brilliantly with this video – Tigress video
Everyone looked across the river and there, coming out from the trees and along the opposite bank of the river, was a Tiger. It was no more than 70 metres from us. Our guide told us to stay together in a close group and not to turn our backs on it. The Tiger worked its way along the edge of the river before walking into the water and then started to swim. At one point, it turned its head towards up and could be heard to utter a sharp, nasal grunt before continuing across the river. Emerging from the water, still about 70 metres from us, it shook itself before making its way towards the slopes of the forest. As the Tiger disappeared our group stood transfixed and stunned as if unable to take in what we had just witnessed. A total highlight and life-time memory!
After finding a Wallcreeper, Grey and White-browed Wagtails and a Pallas’s Fish Eagle perched in riverside tree, we returned to the camp in a state of elation for a celebratory breakfast.
The remainder of the day was spent around the camp making use of an area overlooking a feeding station and an observation tower overlooking a pool. Birds seen around the camp included Lineated and Blue-throated Barbets, Fulvous and Grey-headed Woodpeckers, Bar-winged Flycatcher Shrike and Yellow-bellied Fantail plus a spectacular Red-billed Blue-tailed Magpie. Overhead, Bonelli’s and Steppe Eagles soared in company of Himalayan Griffons.

Tuesday 13th December Sattal Area.
After a 6am breakfast, we took the minibus until several hundred metres higher than Birders’ Den and then birded from the roadside. On one side, we looked across a valley to the slopes beyond. Birds seen included Common Rosefinch, both Lemon-rumped and Buff-barred Warblers and Black-throated Thrush. We looked down on Red-vented and Himalayan Bulbuls perched below us as well as an inflight Ashy Bulbul. Parking alongside a lake, it was a stream on the opposite side of the road that held our interest; a Spotted Forktail gave prolonged views feeding alongside a Grey Wagtail together with a diminutive and shy Chestnut-headed Tesia. In the same area, there was at least one Bar-tailed Treecreeper, Small Niltava and Velvet-fronted Nuthatch.
Our guide, Jaypee went off on his own and came up trumps by finding a perched up Brown Fish Owl which we all admired from a suitable distance. A Mountain Hawk Eagle soared above the
forest. After coffee at a roadside café, it was apparent that activity had dropped off with the increasing temperature and we headed back to Birders’ Den.
In the grounds of the hotel, a hide overlooks a series of well stocked feeders. With continual comings and goings, it was an excellent place to spend an hour or three but required a lot of space on cameras memory cards as excellent and prolonged views were to be had of a range of species; At times four species of Woodpecker; Lesser and Greater Yellownape, Himalayan and Grey-headed Woodpecker. Kalij Pheasants and Black Francolins crept nervously into view from undergrowth. Also present were Grey-winged Blackbird, Blue-whistling Thrush, Streaked Laughing Thrush, Grey Treepie, Russet Sparrow, Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch. Late afternoon brought in a flock of twenty-five Oriental Turtle Doves. The real characters around the feeders were the group of White-cheeked Laughing Thrushes with their attitude and demeanour.
A Eurasian Sparrowhawk, which replaces Shikra at higher altitudes, would fly through scattering all into cover and a group of raucous Red-billed Blue-tailed Magpies took on the role as bullies of the feeders.
In the grounds, Green-tailed Sunbirds were taking nectar from flowers while a group of four Olive–backed Pipits were feeding on a lawn.

Wednesday 14th December Sattal Area.
Again, we were away from hotel at 6.30 and to a different and slighty higher area than previous day. The morning was cold and the surrounding hills kept the sun off the valley floor until several hours after first light, accounting for reduced bird activity. In an open area a smart Blue-fronted Redstart was seen. Along a stream, a Slaty-backed Forktail became the third of the forktail family for the trip. Later an Aberrant Bush Warbler was calling from roadside scrub.
The afternoon was spent around the hotel – the feeders were again prolific with additions to yesterday being Black-throated and Black-lored Tits with Long-tailed Minivet.
Thursday 15th December Sattal to Delhi.
With a long journey in front of us, an early departure from was made but not before a brief look at the feeders where both Black Francolin along with White-crested Laughing Thrushes. On the journey, stops were made, firstly unscheduled, for three Steppe Eagles soaring in the valley below us but then rising up passed us to give stunning views.
Then, there was a scheduled stop for coffee where we met Ghosh. He gave each individual member of the group a mug inscribed with their name and a photograph of an Indian bird or mammal glazed on. A lovely gesture and great memento of a wonderful trip.
Our last task was to compete with the traffic in Delhi.
The final spectacle of the trip was of Black Kites over the rubbish dump from the local fish market. Numbers would have been well into four figures. A meal was taken back at the Ashok Hotel before saying our goodbyes to our guide Jaypee who had been with us for the entire trip. Our driver dropped us off at the airport in good time for all pre-flight formalities to be completed in plenty of time for our overnight flight to Heathrow. where we went our separate ways but with many lasting memories.

Birds Species – Systematic list | |
1 | Lesser Whistling-Duck – Dendrocygna javanica |
2 | Bar-headed Goose – Anser indicus |
3 | Greylag Goose – Anser anser |
4 | Knob-billed Duck – Sarkidiornis melanotos |
5 | Ruddy Shelduck – Tadorna ferruginea |
6 | Northern Shoveler – Spatula clypeata |
7 | Gadwall – Mareca strepera |
8 | Indian Spot-billed Duck – Anas poecilorhyncha |
9 | Mallard – Anas platyrhynchos |
10 | Northern Pintail – Anas acuta |
11 | Eurasian Teal – Anas crecca |
12 | Red-crested Pochard – Netta rufina |
13 | Common Pochard – Aythya ferina |
14 | Indian Peafowl – Pavo cristatus |
15 | Black Francolin – Francolinus francolinus |
16 | Grey Francolin – Francolinus pondicerianus |
17 | Red Junglefowl – Gallus gallus |
18 | Kalij Pheasant – Lophura leucomelanos |
19 | Little Grebe – Tachybaptus ruficollis |
20 | Goosander – Mergus merganser |
21 | Rock Dove – Columba livia |
22 | Collared Dove – Streptopelia decaocto |
23 | Oriental Turtle Dove – Streptopelia orientalis |
24 | Red Collared Dove – Streptopelia tranquebarica |
25 | Laughing Dove – Streptopelia senegalensis |
26 | Asian Emerald Dove – Chalcophaps indica |
27 | Yellow-footed Pigeon – Treron phoenicopterus |
28 | Pin-tailed Green Pigeon – Treron apicauda |
29 | Woodpigeon – Columba palumbus |
30 | Greater Coucal – Centropus sinensis |
31 | Large Hawk-cuckoo – Eudynamys scolopacea |
32 | Common Hawk-Cuckoo – Hierococcyx varius |
33 | Himalayan Swiftlet – Aerodramus brevirostris |
34 | Little Swift – Apus affinis |
35 | Crested Treeswift – Hemiprocne coronata |
36 | Common Moorhen – Gallinula chloropus |
37 | Eurasian Coot – Fulica atra |
38 | Grey-headed Swamphen – Porphyrio poliocephalus |
39 | White-breasted Waterhen – Amaurornis phoenicurus |
40 | Sarus Crane – Antigone antigone |
41 | Black-winged Stilt – Himantopus himantopus |
42 | Great Thick-knee – Esacus recurvirostris |
43 | Ibisbill – Ibidorhyncha struthersii |
44 | River Lapwing – Vanellus duvaucelii |
45 | Red-wattled Lapwing – Vanellus indicus |
46 | White-tailed Lapwing – Vanellus leucurus |
47 | Pheasant-tailed Jacana – Hydrophasianus chirurgus |
48 | Bronze-winged Jacana – Metopidius indicus |
49 | Common Snipe – Gallinago gallinago |
50 | Common Sandpiper – Actitis hypoleucos |
51 | Green Sandpiper – Tringa ochropus |
52 | Spotted Redshank – Tringa erythropus |
53 | Common Greenshank – Tringa nebularia |
54 | Marsh Sandpiper – Tringa stagnatilis |
55 | Wood Sandpiper – Tringa glareola |
56 | Curlew Sandpiper – Calidris ferruginea |
57 | Common Redshank – Tringa totanus |
58 | Black-headed Gull – Chroicocephalus ridibundus |
59 | Heuglin’s Gull – Larus heuglini |
60 | Asian Openbill – Anastomus oscitans |
61 | Black Stork – Ciconia nigra |
62 | Woolly-necked Stork – Ciconia episcopus |
63 | Painted Stork – Mycteria leucocephala |
64 | Oriental Darter – Anhinga melanogaster |
65 | Little Cormorant – Microcarbo niger |
66 | Great Cormorant – Phalacrocorax carbo |
67 | Indian Cormorant – Phalacrocorax fuscicollis |
68 | Yellow Bittern – Ixobrychus sinensis |
69 | Black Bittern – Ixobrychus flavicollis |
70 | Grey Heron – Ardea cinerea |
71 | Purple Heron – Ardea purpurea |
72 | Great White Egret – Ardea alba |
73 | Intermediate Egret – Ardea intermedia |
74 | Little Egret – Egretta garzetta |
75 | Cattle Egret – Bubulcus ibis |
76 | Indian Pond Heron – Ardeola grayii |
77 | Striated Heron – Butorides striata |
78 | Black-crowned Night-Heron – Nycticorax nycticorax |
79 | Glossy Ibis – Plegadis falcinellus |
80 | Black-headed Ibis – Threskiornis melanocephalus |
81 | Red-naped Ibis – Pseudibis papillosa |
82 | Eurasian Spoonbill – Platalea leucorodia |
83 | Black-winged Kite – Elanus caeruleus |
84 | Egyptian Vulture – Neophron percnopterus |
85 | Red-headed Vulture – Sarcogyps calvus |
86 | Cinereous Vulture – Aegypius monachus |
87 | Himalayan Griffon – Gyps himalayensis |
88 | Crested Serpent-Eagle – Spilornis cheela |
89 | Changeable Hawk-Eagle – Nisaetus limnaeetus |
90 | Indian Spotted Eagle – Clanga hastata |
91 | Greater Spotted Eagle – Clanga clanga |
92 | Booted Eagle – Hieraaetus pennatus |
93 | Steppe Eagle – Aquila nipalensis |
94 | Eastern Imperial Eagle – Aquila heliaca |
95 | Bonelli’s Eagle – Aquila fasciata |
96 | Western Marsh Harrier – Circus aeruginosus |
97 | Shikra – Accipiter badius |
98 | Eurasian Sparrowhawk – Accipiter nisus |
99 | Black Kite – Milvus migrans |
100 | Pallas’s Fish-Eagle – Haliaeetus leucoryphus |
101 | Lesser Fish-Eagle – Haliaeetus humilis |
102 | White-eyed Buzzard – Butastur teesa |
103 | Oriental Honey-buzzard – Pernis ptilorhynchus |
104 | Dusky Eagle Owl – Bubo coromandus |
105 | Jungle Owlet – Glaucidium radiatum |
106 | Spotted Owlet – Athene brama |
107 | Eurasian Hoopoe – Upupa epops |
108 | Great Hornbill – Buceros bicornis |
109 | Indian Grey Hornbill – Ocyceros birostris |
110 | Oriental Pied-Hornbill – Anthracoceros albirostris |
111 | Common Kingfisher – Alcedo atthis |
112 | White-throated Kingfisher – Halcyon smyrnensis |
113 | Crested Kingfisher – Megaceryle lugubris |
114 | Pied Kingfisher – Ceryle rudis |
115 | Stork-billed Kingfisher – Pelargopsis capensis |
116 | Blue-bearded Bee-eater – Nyctyornis athertoni |
117 | Green Bee-eater – Merops orientalis |
118 | Indian Roller – Coracias benghalensis |
119 | Coppersmith Barbet – Psilopogon haemacephalus |
120 | Great Barbet – Psilopogon virens |
121 | Lineated Barbet – Psilopogon lineatus |
122 | Brown-headed Barbet – Psilopogon zeylanicus |
123 | Blue-throated Barbet – Psilopogon asiaticus |
124 | Eurasian Wryneck – Jynx torquilla |
125 | Great Slaty Woodpecker – Mulleripicus pulverulentus |
126 | Brown-capped Woodpecker – Yungipicus nanus |
127 | Grey-capped Woodpecker – Yungipicus canicapillus |
128 | Brown-fronted Woodpecker – Dendrocoptes auriceps |
129 | Yellow-crowned Woodpecker – Leiopicus mahrattensis |
130 | Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker – Dendrocopos macei |
131 | Black-rumped Flameback – Dinopium benghalense |
132 | Lesser Yellownape – Picus chlorolophus |
133 | Greater Yellownape – Chrysophlegma flavinucha |
134 | Streak-throated Woodpecker – Picus xanthopygaeus |
135 | Grey-headed Woodpecker – Picus canus |
136 | Collared Falconet – Microhierax caerulescens |
137 | Common Kestrel – Falco tinnunculus |
138 | Peregrine Falcon – Falco peregrinus |
139 | Ring-necked Parakeet – Psittacula krameri |
140 | Alexandrine Parakeet – Psittacula eupatria |
141 | Slaty-headed Parakeet – Psittacula himalayana |
142 | Plum-headed Parakeet – Psittacula cyanocephala |
143 | Red-breasted Parakeet – Psittacula alexandri |
144 | Common Woodshrike – Tephrodornis pondicerianus |
145 | Black-winged Cuckoo-shrile – Coracina melaschistos |
146 | Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike – Hemipus picatus |
147 | Common Iora – Aegithina tiphia |
148 | Small Minivet – Pericrocotus cinnamomeus |
149 | Long-tailed Minivet – Pericrocotus ethologus |
150 | Scarlet Minivet – Pericrocotus speciosus |
151 | Brown Shrike – Lanius cristatus |
152 | Bay-backed Shrike – Lanius vittatus |
153 | Long-tailed Shrike – Lanius schach |
154 | Indian Golden Oriole – Oriolus kundoo |
155 | Black-hooded Oriole – Oriolus xanthornus |
156 | Maroon Oriole – Oriolus traillii |
157 | Black Drongo – Dicrurus macrocercus |
158 | Ashy Drongo – Dicrurus leucophaeus |
159 | White-bellied Drongo – Dicrurus caerulescens |
160 | Bronzed Drongo – Dicrurus aeneus |
161 | Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo – Dicrurus remifer |
162 | Spangled Drongo – Dicrurus bracteatus |
163 | Greater Racket-tailed Drongo – Dicrurus paradiseus |
164 | White-throated Fantail – Rhipidura albicollis |
165 | White-browed Fantail – Rhipidura aureola |
166 | Red-billed Blue-Magpie – Urocissa erythroryncha |
167 | Common Green-Magpie – Cissa chinensis |
168 | Rufous Treepie – Dendrocitta vagabunda |
169 | Grey Treepie – Dendrocitta formosae |
170 | House Crow – Corvus splendens |
171 | Large-billed Crow – Corvus macrorhynchos |
172 | Eastern Jungle Crow – Corvus levaillantii |
173 | Ashy-crowned Sparrow-Lark – Eremopterix griseus |
174 | Indian Bushlark – Mirafra erythroptera |
175 | Greater Short-toed Lark – Calandrella brachydactyla |
176 | Crested Lark – Galerida cristata |
177 | Grey-throated Martin – Riparia chinensis |
178 | Dusky Crag Martin – Ptyonoprogne concolor |
179 | Barn Swallow – Hirundo rustica |
180 | Wire-tailed Swallow – Hirundo smithii |
181 | Red-rumped Swallow – Cecropis daurica |
182 | Yellow-bellied Fairy-Fantail – Chelidorhynx hypoxanthus |
183 | Grey-headed Canary-Flycatcher – Culicicapa ceylonensis |
184 | Coal Tit – Periparus ater |
185 | Green-backed Tit – Parus monticolus |
186 | Cinereous Tit – Parus cinereus |
187 | Himalayan Black-lored Tit – Machlolophus xanthogenys |
188 | Black-throated Tit – Aegithalos concinnus |
189 | Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch – Sitta cinnamoventris |
190 | Velvet-fronted Nuthatch – Sitta frontalis |
191 | Wallcreeper – Tichodroma muraria |
192 | Bar-tailed Treecreeper – Certhia himalayana |
193 | Brown Dipper – Cinclus pallasii |
194 | Black-crested Bulbul – Rubigula flaviventris |
195 | Red-vented Bulbul – Pycnonotus cafer |
196 | Red-whiskered Bulbul – Pycnonotus jocosus |
197 | White-eared Bulbul – Pycnonotus leucotis |
198 | Himalayan Bulbul – Pycnonotus leucogenys |
199 | Mountain Bulbul – Ixos mcclellandii |
200 | Black Bulbul – Hypsipetes leucocephalus |
201 | Ashy Bulbul – Hemixos flavala |
202 | Chestnut-headed Tesia – Cettia castaneocoronata |
203 | Buff-barred Warbler – Phylloscopus pulcher |
204 | Hume’s Warbler – Phylloscopus humei |
205 | Lemon-rumped Warbler – Phylloscopus chloronotus |
206 | Siberian Chiffchaff – Phylloscopus collybita tristes |
207 | Aberrant bush-warbler – Horornis flavolivaceus |
208 | Greenish Warbler – Phylloscopus trochiloides |
209 | Grey-hooded Warbler – Phylloscopus xanthoschistos |
210 | Whistler’s Warbler – Seicercus whistleri |
211 | Blyth’s Reed Warbler – Acrocephalus dumetorum |
212 | Clamorous Reed Warbler – Acrocephalus stentoreus |
213 | Common Tailorbird – Orthotomus sutorius |
214 | Striated Prinia – Prinia crinigera |
215 | Grey-breasted Prinia – Prinia hodgsonii |
216 | Ashy Prinia – Prinia socialis |
217 | Plain Prinia – Prinia inornata |
218 | Lesser Whitethroat – Sylvia curruca |
219 | Orphean Warbler – Curruca crassirostris |
220 | Yellow-eyed Babbler – Chrysomma sinense |
221 | Oriental White-eye – Zosterops palpebrosus |
222 | Black-chinned Babbler – Cyanoderma pyrrhops |
223 | Rusty-cheeked Scimitar-Babbler – Megapomatorhinus erythrogenys |
224 | Puff-throated Babbler – Pellorneum ruficeps |
225 | Common Babbler – Turdoides caudata |
226 | Black-chinned Babbler – Cyanoderma pyrrhops |
227 | Large Grey Babbler – Turdoides malcolmi |
228 | Jungle Babbler – Turdoides striata |
229 | White-crested Laughingthrush – Garrulax leucolophus |
230 | White-throated Laughingthrush – Ianthocincla albogularis |
231 | Streaked Laughingthrush – Trochalopteron lineatum |
232 | Rufous-chinned Laughingthrush – Lanthocincla rufogularis |
233 | Rufous Sibia – Heterophasia capistrata |
234 | Red-billed Leiothrix – Leiothrix lutea |
235 | Blue-winged Minla – Actinodura cyanouroptera |
236 | Indian Robin – Copsychus fulicatus |
237 | Oriental Magpie-Robin – Copsychus saularis |
238 | Ultamarine Flycatcher – Ficedula superciliaris |
239 | Small Niltava – Niltava macgrigoriae |
240 | Rufous-bellied Niltava – Niltava sundara |
241 | Bluethroat – Luscinia svecica |
242 | Blue Whistling-Thrush – Myophonus caeruleus |
243 | Little Forktail – Enicurus scouleri |
244 | Spotted Forktail – Enicurus maculatus |
245 | Slaty-backed Forktail – Enicurus schistaceus |
246 | Siberian Rubythroat – Calliope calliope |
247 | Himalayan Rubythroat – Calliope pectoralis |
248 | Slaty-blue Flycatcher – Ficedula tricolor |
249 | Rusty-tailed Flycatcher – Ficedula ruficauda |
250 | Red-breasted Flycatcher – Ficedula parva |
251 | Taiga Flycatcher – Ficedula albicilla |
252 | Blue-fronted Redstart – Phoenicurus frontalis |
253 | Plumbeous Redstart – Phoenicurus fuliginosus |
254 | White-capped Redstart – Phoenicurus leucocephalus |
255 | White-rumped Shama – Copsychus malabaricus |
256 | Black Redstart – Phoenicurus ochruros |
257 | Siberian Stonechat – Saxicola maurus |
258 | Pied Bushchat – Saxicola caprata |
259 | Grey Bushchat – Saxicola ferreus |
260 | Indian Chat – Cercomela fusca |
261 | Desert Wheatear – Oenanthe deserti |
262 | Isabelline Wheatear – Oenanthe isabellina |
263 | Grey-winged Blackbird – Turdus boulboul |
264 | Black-throated Thrush – Turdus atrogularis |
265 | Asian Pied Starling – Gracupica contra |
266 | Brahminy Starling – Sturnia pagodarum |
267 | Common Myna – Acridotheres tristis |
268 | Bank Myna – Acridotheres ginginianus |
269 | Golden-fronted Leafbird – Chloropsis aurifrons |
270 | Purple Sunbird – Cinnyris asiaticus |
271 | Black-throated Sunbird – Aethopyga saturata |
272 | Green-tailed Sunbird – Aethopyga nipalensis |
273 | Crimson Sunbird – Aethopyga siparaja |
274 | Grey Wagtail – Motacilla cinerea |
275 | Citrine Wagtail – Motacilla citreola |
276 | White-browed Wagtail – Motacilla maderaspatensis |
277 | Pied Wagtail/White Wagtail – Motacilla alba |
278 | Tawny Pipit – Anthus campestris |
279 | Olive-backed Pipit – Anthus hodgsoni |
280 | Tree Pipit – Anthus trivialis |
281 | Common Rosefinch – Carpodacus erythrinus |
282 | Yellow-breasted Greenfinch – Chloris spinoides |
283 | House Sparrow – Passer domesticus |
284 | Russet Sparrow – Passer cinnamomeus |
285 | Chestnut-shouldered Petronia – Petronia xanthocollis |
286 | Baya Weaver – Ploceus philippinu |
287 | Indian Silverbill – Euodice malabarica |
288 | Scaly-breasted Munia – Lonchura punctulata |
Mammals & Others recorded
Greater Indian Fruit Bat |
Rhesus Macaque |
Hanuman Langur |
Himalayan Langur |
Golden Jackal |
Tiger |
Indian Elephant |
Wild Boar |
Indian Muntjac |
Ghoral |
Sambar |
Spotted Deer or Chital |
Nilgai or Blue Bull |
Five-striped Ground Squirrel |
Indian Porcupine |
Yellow-throated Marten |
Red Fox |
Gharial Crocodile |
Mugger Crocodile |
Indian Rock Python |
Soft-celled Roof Turtle |
Garden Lizzard |
Golden Mahseer (fish) |
Future Tours
If you are interested in joining us in India then we have a tour in December 2023 please contact us for details.
Norfolk Birding
+44 7876 357677