Exclusive Guided birdwatching in Norfolk
At any time of the year we can offer exclusive guided birdwatching in Norfolk.
We usually cater for one or two people or small groups of family or friends.
Though we have arranged tours for birdwatching societies up to 13 persons with 2 guides. Offering 3-5 day itineraries including accommodation and packed lunches & minibus transport.
Exclusive tour costs for one day start at £260.00 for 1-2 persons.
Exclusive group tour costs £260.00 for 2 persons then an additional £60.00 per person up to 4 more persons.
Larger group costs will be slightly less per person, just contact us to discuss your requirements.
January Tour
January in Norfolk for big skeins of Pink-footed Geese, plus Bean & White-fronted Geese. Marsh & Hen Harrier, Peregrine, Merlin plus Barn & Short-eared Owl. Bewick's & Whooper Swan, Cranes, divers, grebes & seaduck. Snow Bunting, Twite Shorelark, Crossbills, Hawfinch & Brambling.
February Tour
February in Norfolk for vast flocks of wildfowl, smaller numbers of Geese. Marsh & Hen Harrier, Peregrine, Merlin plus Barn & Short-eared Owl.
Bewick's & Whooper Swan, Cranes, divers, grebes & sea duck. Snow & Lapland Bunting. Shorelark, Crossbills & Waxwings occur in good numbers in some years. Mid-late February for the start of Goshawk performances!
March Tour
March in Norfolk is often a great time along the coast for the returning arctic waders in their summer dress.
In the forest areas of The Brecks, good numbers of Brambling, Siskin, Redpoll and Crossbill start to form flocks before returning north.
It’s also a good time for watching the amazing display of our increasing population of Goshawks, whilst Woodlarks start their early Spring song.
March will also see the first early summer migrants returning, visible migration starts from mid-month onwards and occasionally a rarer Nearctic wader or duck will appear with it’s Eurasian congeners.
April Tour
April in Norfolk for Goshawk, Marsh harrier, Stone Curlew, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Firecrest, singing warblers, Wood Lark, Siskin, Redpoll, Crossbill. Late April for Montagu's Harrier, Ring Ouzel, Wheatear, Yellow Wagtail, Tree Pipit, Grasshopper Warbler, Whimbrel, & visible migration.
May Tour
May Norfolk Tours for Garganey, Montagu's Harrier, Marsh Harrier display, flocks of Hobby, Golden Oriole, booming Bittern, Turtle Dove,
Firecrest, singing warblers, Wood Lark, Tree Pipit, Siskin, Redpoll, Crossbill, Wheatear, Yellow Wagtail, Grasshopper warbler, Whimbrel, migrants & rarities. Late May evening sessions for Nightjars & 3 species of owl.
June Tour
June in Norfolk for breeding Avocets, Nightjars, Marsh Harrier, Spoonbill, Hobby, possibly Montagu's Harrier also lots of singing warblers!
Excellent time to see the rare Swallowtail, Norfolk Hawker, Hairy Dragonfly, Green-winged orchid, possibly Greater Butterfly-orchid.
July - August Tour
July wildlife tours for a real diversity of birds, butterflies, moths, dragonflies and orchids in Norfolk.
Early July is an excellent time to see a wide range of butterflies, orchids and insects. Masses of Marsh Helleborine plus Bee & Marsh orchids.
Birds will be a little quieter in early July, but Bearded Tits, Bittern & Marsh Harrier will be active feeding young and returning migrant waders will be starting to pass South especially in the second half of July.
The wildlife tour is also well suited to photographers with a slower pace and plenty of time to get images, especially macro for the insects and flowers.
September Tour
September for passage waders, including Little Stint & Curlew Sandpiper plus occasional vagrant waders. Skua and seabird passage in the right conditions. Regular passage migrants Wheatear, Whinchat, Redstart & often some of the scarcer passage birds include Wryneck & Shrikes. Arctic & Greenish warblers early in the month followed by the Siberian vagrants in the last days of the month. Its just a great time to be in Norfolk!
October Tour
October is probably 'the month' of the year for birders, commoner migrants will have gone south. Now is the time for the scarce and the rare. Birds seen on our tours in October have included Red-necked & Grey Phalarope, Great White Egret, Glossy Ibis, Yellow-browed, Arctic, Pallas's & Dusky Warbler, Red-breasted Flycatcher, Red-flanked Bluetail, Richard's Pipit and Woodchat Shrike. If you want to see new birds and rare birds this is the best month of the year! A good month for witnessing the huge gatherings of shorebirds on the highest of tides.
November Tour
November sees late scarcer and rarer birds till mid-month, combined with the arrival of many wintering species. Wildfowl, geese, thrushes, finches, Starlings all arrive in large numbers during this month and in the right conditions can involve either large numbers of birds arriving off the sea or many grounded birds. Other opportunities in strong N or NW winds involve seabirds, seaducks & skuas as they pass by closer to the shoreline.
Also a good month for witnessing the huge gatherings of shorebirds on the highest of tides.
December Tour
December for our largest gatherings of Pink-footed & White-fronted geese, both leaving and arriving at roosts plus feeding in the fields . There may be another opportunity of witnessing large gatherings of shorebirds. Our wintering raptors, Marsh & hen harrier, Merlin, Cranes and Owls will be regular at their roost sites.