Norfolk Day tours 23rd – 28th February

We had a group day tour on the 23rd February, we then headed back there with an exclusive tour for a day with a couple of birders for an exclusive tour, followed by a coastal day up on the coast on 27th February.

It was a great week for the Brecks birding, highlights were very clearly multiple Woodlark and Goshawk sightings, with great views of both. The Woodlark in full song, is a bird to listen to rather than watch, and this week we heard them in many locations. Whilst Goshawks are a bird to watch, with there exaggerated wingbeats and roller coaster displays, with a backdrop to Sparrowhawk, Buzzard, Red Kites plus a pair of Ravens on 23rd.

We also managed to see male and female Hawfinch, plus a singing Firecrest, and nice additions were Brambling, Siskin, Yellowhammer, Bullfinch, Siskin, Marsh tit, Treecreeper and Nuthatch.

Later in the week up on the coast on 27th February we managed to track down the long staying Glaucous Gull and the nearby Shorelarks, five of them showing rather well. We also had a few hours at Titchwell, there was a nice mixture of shorebirds and wildfowl but nothing too out of the ordinary. We rounded off very well at a raptor roost with nice views of the Pallid Harrier, male and 2 ringtail Hen Harrier, Merlin, Barn Owl and Short-eared Owl.

A good week of birding in some dry weather at last!