Norfolk Birding Exclusive Day – 25th April 2021
I met up with Vishi & Nidhi today at Swaffham and we then headed down into the Brecks. We started with some straightforward target birds Red-legged Partridge, also several Tree Sparrows but no sign today of last weeks Stone Curlew, as these were another target we quickly headed elsewhere. Fortunately the next stop provided 2 Stone Curlew with the birds showing well and good scope views, also Curlew here as well.
We next headed to another forestry area and were soon watching the next target, Woodlark, in fact there were at least 6 Woodlarks, very active including 2 males appearing to dispute territory, with song and flight interactions, very nice too! Just singing nearby was a Tree Pipit, plus Yellowhammer and Mistle and Song Thrush, lots of Blackcap activity as we wandered back through the woodland.

We next headed off for Lynford and had instant success on arrival with Firecrest, a super male singing and showing well, in fact a circuit of the area produced 2 more singing Firecrest. The area was busy with birds and we also found several late Brambling, along with nice views of Treecreeper, Nuthatch and after a little searching a pair of Marsh tit. Whilst enjoying these birds, the distinctive “chip, chip” call could be heard overhead and eventually a nice group of c20 Crossbill dropped into the trees above us.

We next headed for lunch and scanning for raptors. Timing was spot on and just as we were halfway through lunch 2 Goshawks appeared on cue, with a 3rd Goshawk also taking to the air! Also here Sparrowhawk, Buzzard and Red kite.
We now headed to the coast with a shortlist of a few target waders. Low tide at Holme was perfect when we arrived and Ringed Plover, Grey Plover, Bar-tailed Godwit, Dunlin, Curlew, Turnstone and Sanderling were nicely lined up along the shoreline, plus a few lingering Dark-bellied Brent Geese. Back in the dunes we were soon getting reasonable views of a Grasshopper Warbler, also nearby Stonechat, Sedge warbler & Whitethroat.
The final target of the day was the only bird to let us down, it was just a bit too windy for Bearded Tit, but a great day and thoroughly enjoyable!