Norfolk Birding Day Four of Four – 16th April 2021
With passage migration still slow along the coast with high pressure system and cold NE winds, we decided to head back down to the Brecks and South Norfolk. We started the day at Lynford Arboretum and a nice walk around the area in the sheltered woodland and sunshine, gave us a nice selection of birds. 10+ Brambling were feeding on the ground, alongside 5+ Yellowhammer, nearby a singing Firecrest eventually showed well, and a complete circuit gave us a total of 4 singing Firecrest. There was plenty of Siskin, plus 1-2 Redpoll, Treecreeper and Nuthatch always relatively easy here were also noted.

We then headed on to a newly felled area of forestry. Here on the way through the trees there was a small group of Redwing, plus Song Thrush, Coal Tit, Long-tailed Tit, Chiff-chaff and several Blackcap. Once at the clearing there were several Woodlark, one was singing and then another dropped on to the path in front of us giving really nice views.
We then headed to a raptor view point, there was numerous Buzzards up straightaway, plus a Red Kite, a Sparrowhawk appeared, then a Kestrel. Our sought after quarry took a little longer! Eventually after a couple of hours a large female Goshawk skimmed the tops of the trees and broke the skyline briefly, just long enough for everyone to get a decent view.
A chance conversation at this site with another birder sent me back to a location we had searched a few days previously. This time armed with a more specific area to search. Once at the area, it was a just a few minutes before I could see a Stone Curlew and we rounded the trip off with nice views of it in the field.