May 2021 Guided Birding Tours – Norfolk Species List

Due to the pandemic situation prior to May, there were a lot of bookings in May for single exclusive days and half days guiding, whilst we were allowed eventually to run a 3 day group of 5 persons at the end of May.

As might be expected we revisited many sites during May on our Norfolk birdwatching tours! So rather than repeat similar birds and sightings in daily blogs, I’ve just provided a list of birds recorded in May below with the better, more interesting species appearing in bold, commoner species just appear with a one against them, treated as present.

1Greylag Goose1
2Pink-footed Goose8
3Brent Goose300
4Canada Goose1
5Mute Swan1
6Egyptian Goose2
7Common Shelduck1
8Garganey – 11th May a drake North Point, Wells-next-the sea1
9Northern Shoveler2
11Eurasian Wigeon1
13Northern Pintailtwo late birds still present at Cley on 5th May2
14Eurasian Teal20
15Common Pochard2
16Tufted Duck2
17Common Scoter12
18Common Pheasant2
19Grey Partridge4
20Little Grebe2
21Stock Dove2
22Common Woodpigeon1
23European Turtle Dovethree birds at Snettisham on 28th May3
24Common Cuckoo – a better Spring with several recorded from quite a few localities, including a very showy male at Kelling Quags with an hepatic female2
25Eurasian Nightjar – at least 4 birds showing very well, including a perched male on evening May 29th4
26Common Swift15
27Common Moorhen1
28Eurasian Coot1
29Stone-curlew – we’ve been able to watch 3 breeding pairs during May, plus we found a new pair in NW Norfolk away from the core population on 28th May during the three day tour2
30Pied Avocet30
31Eurasian Oystercatcher8
32Grey Plover15
33European Golden Plover – A stunning breeding plumaged ‘Northern type’ Golden Plover was present at Cley on 25th May1
34Northern Lapwing10
35Common Ringed Plover1
36Little Ringed Plover1
37Whimbrel – A steady passage throughout May with a peak count of 23 at Burnham Overy, Holkham NNR on 2nd May.23
38Eurasian Curlew5
39Bar-tailed Godwit1
40Black-tailed Godwit1
41Ruddy Turnstone3
42Red Knot30
46Jack Snipe – one still present at North Point, Wells-next-the-sea on the late date of 4th May1
47Common Snipe4
48Common Sandpiper – 1-2 seen on most coastal tours2
49Spotted Redshank – in short supply this Spring, but we caught up with a stunning summer plumaged adult at Cley on 5th May1
50Wood Sandpiper – a reasonable scattering during May, we had 3 at North Point, Wells-next-the-sea on 11th May3
51Common Redshank25
52Black-headed Gull40
53Little Gull – a single 2cy bird was present at Ken Hill marshes on May 28th1
54Mediterranean Gull – seen on most coastal visits with autumn migration underway in early June with adults moving from East to West4
55Common Gull1
56Herring Gull4
57Iceland Gull – a late 2cy bird still present and seen on our tour of 5th May1
58Lesser Black-backed Gull7
59Great Black-backed Gull2
60Little Tern – lots off Cley by the last week of May1
61Sandwich Tern – lots off Cley by the last week of May70
62Northern Fulmar2
63Northern Gannet2
64Great Cormorant11
65Grey Heron2
66Great White Egret – seen regularly during tours at Holkham, North Point, Wells & also at Holme and Cley2
67Little Egret10
68Eurasian Spoonbill – seen regularly on tours throughout May3
69Western Marsh Harrier – seen on all coastal tours4
70Eurasian Sparrowhawk2
71Northern Goshawk – still managing to see these right through May with a bit of patience down in the Brecks, South Norfolk2
72Red Kite – seen on almost all tours in May8
73Common Buzzard4
74Short-eared Owl – amazingly late records this Spring with 3 still present at Cley/Salthouse on 25th May3
75Common Kestrel1
76Eurasian Hobby – numbers lower in North Norfolk, seen regularly on tours to Brecks, South Norfolk2
77Common Magpie1
78Eurasian Jackdaw1
79Carrion Crow1
80Eurasian Blue Tit1
81Eurasian Skylark1
82Woodlark – seen on all our tours to Brecks South Norfolk, with one clearing holding up to 4 singing males and also seen occasionally in North Norfolk
83Bearded Tit – seen well at end of May with a family group, poorer flight views on earlier tours1
84Sedge Warbler12
85Eurasian Reed Warbler5
86Common Grasshopper Warbler – seen & heard regularly on tours in North Norfolk2
88Sand Martin20
88Barn Swallow50
89Common House Martin2
90Willow Warbler1
91Common Chiffchaff2
92Cetti’s Warbler2
93Long-tailed Tit1
94Eurasian Blackcap1
95Garden Warbler – seen and heard from mid May, especially in the Brecks, South Norfolk1
96Lesser Whitethroat – seen regularly through the month1
97Common Whitethroat2
98Common Firecrest – seen on all tours to the Brecks, South Norfolk, with one area holding 7 singing males4
99Eurasian Wren1
100Common Starling4
101Mistle Thrush1
102Song Thrush1
103Eurasian Blackbird2
104Fieldfare – late birds seen on May 3rd11
105Ring Ouzel – we saw three at Burnham Overy on the tour of May 2nd, I also recorded eleven the next day whilst birding at Muckleborough Hill without a group.3
106Spotted Flycatcher – sadly much declined here as a breeder and migrant we recorded a single migrant on the tour of 29th May1
107European Robin1
108Whinchat – another declining migrant but we recorded a single dropped on to the fenceline at Hunstanton Cliffs whilst doing visible migration and guiding a client on 10th May1
109European Stonechat2
110Northern Wheatear – a good scattering of Wheatears, with plenty of Greenland types from 2nd week of May onwards.6
112House Sparrow1
113Grey Wagtail1
114Western Yellow Wagtail – a light passage, seen in single figures regularly, best count 22 passed overhead on May 3rd at Hunstanton Cliffs. A single, sadly unpaired displaying male still present at Cley at end of the month1
115Pied Wagtail/White Wagtail – several White wagtails were seen during tours with 2 at North Point, wells-next-the sea.2
116Meadow Pipit2
117Tree Pipit – seen on all trips to the Brecks, South Norfolk4
118Common Chaffinch1
119Hawfinch – an unusual find in late Spring on May 6th, with a bird watched feeding on the ground in the Brecks1
120Eurasian Bullfinch1
121European Greenfinch4
122Common Linnet12
123Lesser Redpoll – still small groups in Brecks, South Norfolk in early May, plus 45 Redpolls passed overhead on May 3rd at Hunstanton Cliffs7
124Common Crossbill – 1-2 were seen in early May but the larger numbers from March and April disappeared1
125European Goldfinch4
126Eurasian Siskin4
128Common Reed Bunting2
129Barn Owl – seen occasionally and on 2 Nightjar and Owl evening sessions.
130Water Rail – heard on several occasions in early May tours