June 2021 – Norfolk Guided Birding & wildlife tour reports
During our guided day tours we customised the meeting and collection points to best suit clients, locations or the birds and wildlife they wanted to try and observe.
We ran birdwatching and wildlife guided days in Norfolk during June 1st, 7th, 8th, 10th, 14th, 18th, plus a two day wildlife tour on June 26th-27th & June 29th-30th. Birdwatching tours for Owls and Nightjars were successfully run on two evenings, with Barn Owl, Tawny Owl, Nightjar and Woodcock being recorded across the two evenings. Both evenings we managed to get good views of Nightjar and they were very vocal on both evenings.
Norfolk Bird tour highlights during the month were undoubtedly the Roller seen albeit just into Suffolk on 27th, a nice adult female Long-tailed Duck on 18th June, an obliging Cuckoo near Kelling seen on several days, up to 6 churring Nightjars on evening of 8th June, with one bird perched for scope views.
Hickling on 27th June hosted a pair of Black-winged Stilts, an adult Curlew Sandpiper alongside 7-8 stunning male Ruff plus we had fine views twice of Bittern in flight and again there on June 29th. Small numbers of male Ruff were noted at other sites during June, plus a light passage of returning adult waders from mid-June with smart breeding plumage Spotted Redshank, several Greenshank and Green Sandpipers noted on the late June tours. Two Hobby’s were also picking off insects in the skies there on 27th June.
A dark morph adult Arctic Skua was a nice surprise disturbing 100+ Avocet as it flew across the reserve on June 30th, same day 7 drake Eiders flew West along the shoreline. Also at Cley on June 30th autumn passage got underway with 7 lovely Little Gulls, 2 Greenshank, Whimbrel, 40 Curlew, Bar-tailed Godwit, 20 Black-tailed Godwit. Offshore Common Scoter, Gannet and Razorbills were also seen in small numbers. Whilst Little, Sandwich & Common Terns are much in evidence and easily watched as they feed their youngsters offshore near Cley & Burnham Overy Staithe. Whilst our raptors have also been evident bringing food to nests with the first juvenile Marsh harriers on the wing in 3rd week of June.
A couple of visits to the Brecks were successful with a nice family of Stone Curlews seen on 27th June and earlier in the month, plus 3 singing Woodlarks, singing Tree Pipit, Firecrest and Spotted Flycatcher.
Egrets and Spoonbills are now much more expected but never the less, we have seen Great White, Little Egret and also Cattle Egret during June. Spoonbills were seen with begging young on June 10th, with 10 Spoonbill present at Stiffkey Fen.
The remaining highlights were a singing male Yellow Wagtail present at Cley until mid month, plus a Short-eared Owl watched in lovely evening light on 10th June.
Stone Curlew Cuckoo Cattle Egret Roller Roller Tree Pipit Woodlark Spotted Flycatcher – © Alexia Fishwick
Birds recorded on guided tours June 2021 | Max Count | |
1 | Greylag Goose | 20 |
2 | Dark-bellied Brent Goose – unseasonal bird seen on 10th June off Salthouse | 1 |
3 | Canada Goose | 4 |
4 | Mute Swan | 6 |
5 | Egyptian Goose | 20 |
6 | Common Shelduck | 100 |
7 | Northern Shoveler | 20 |
8 | Gadwall | 40 |
9 | Mallard | 20 |
10 | Eurasian Teal | 40 |
11 | Common Pochard | 5 |
12 | Tufted Duck | 6 |
13 | Common Eider | 7 |
14 | Common Scoter | 31 |
15 | Long-tailed Duck | 1 |
16 | Red-legged Partridge | 1 |
17 | Common Pheasant | 1 |
18 | Little Grebe | 2 |
19 | Stock Dove | 3 |
20 | Common Woodpigeon | 1 |
21 | Collared Dove | 1 |
22 | Common Cuckoo | 1 |
23 | Eurasian Nightjar | 6 |
24 | Common Swift | 14 |
25 | Common Moorhen | 1 |
26 | Eurasian Coot | 2 |
27 | Stone-curlew | 3 |
28 | Black-winged Stilt | 2 |
29 | Avocet | 100 |
30 | Eurasian Oystercatcher | 2 |
31 | Grey Plover | 2 |
32 | Northern Lapwing | 100 |
33 | Common Ringed Plover | 2 |
34 | Little Ringed Plover | 2 |
35 | Whimbrel | 1 |
36 | Eurasian Curlew | 40 |
37 | Bar-tailed Godwit | 7 |
38 | Black-tailed Godwit | 60 |
39 | Turnstone | 2 |
40 | Red Knot | 4 |
41 | Ruff | 8 |
42 | Curlew Sandpiper | 1 |
43 | Dunlin | 1 |
44 | Eurasian Woodcock | 1 |
45 | Common Sandpiper | 1 |
46 | Green Sandpiper | 3 |
47 | Spotted Redshank | 2 |
48 | Common Greenshank | 2 |
49 | Common Redshank | 4 |
50 | Arctic Skua | 1 |
51 | Common Guillemot | 1 |
52 | Razorbill | 3 |
53 | Black-headed Gull | 100 |
54 | Little Gull | 7 |
55 | Mediterranean Gull | 3 |
56 | Common Gull | 1 |
57 | Herring Gull | 2 |
58 | Lesser Black-backed Gull | 4 |
59 | Great Black-backed Gull | 8 |
60 | Little Tern | 10 |
61 | Common Tern | 30 |
62 | Sandwich Tern | 40 |
63 | Northern Fulmar | 1 |
64 | Northern Gannet | 7 |
65 | Great Cormorant | 9 |
66 | Great Bittern | 1 |
67 | Grey Heron | 1 |
68 | Great White Egret | 1 |
69 | Little Egret | 2 |
70 | Cattle Egret | 1 |
71 | Eurasian Spoonbill | 10 |
72 | Western Marsh Harrier | 8 |
73 | Eurasian Sparrowhawk | 1 |
74 | Red Kite | 2 |
75 | Common Buzzard | 2 |
76 | Barn Owl | 2 |
77 | Tawny Owl | 1 |
78 | Short-eared Owl | 1 |
79 | European Roller | 1 |
80 | Great Spotted Woodpecker | 2 |
81 | Common Kestrel | 1 |
82 | Eurasian Hobby | 2 |
83 | Eurasian Jay | 1 |
84 | Common Magpie | 1 |
85 | Eurasian Jackdaw | 2 |
86 | Rook | 10 |
87 | Carrion Crow | 2 |
88 | Coal Tit | 1 |
89 | Eurasian Blue Tit | 1 |
90 | Great Tit | 1 |
91 | Woodlark | 3 |
92 | Eurasian Skylark | 3 |
93 | Bearded Tit | 3 |
94 | Sedge Warbler | 8 |
95 | Eurasian Reed Warbler | 7 |
96 | Common Grasshopper Warbler | 1 |
97 | Sand Martin | 25 |
98 | Barn Swallow | 4 |
99 | House Martin | 2 |
100 | Willow Warbler | 1 |
101 | Common Chiffchaff | 2 |
102 | Cetti’s Warbler | 1 |
103 | Long-tailed Tit | 1 |
104 | Eurasian Blackcap | 5 |
105 | Garden Warbler | 1 |
106 | Lesser Whitethroat | 1 |
107 | Common Whitethroat | 1 |
108 | Goldcrest | 1 |
109 | Firecrest | 1 |
110 | Eurasian Nuthatch | 1 |
111 | Eurasian Treecreeper | 1 |
112 | Eurasian Wren | 1 |
113 | Common Starling | 6 |
114 | Mistle Thrush | 2 |
115 | Song Thrush | 1 |
116 | Eurasian Blackbird | 1 |
117 | Spotted Flycatcher | 1 |
118 | European Robin | 1 |
119 | European Stonechat | 3 |
120 | Dunnock | 1 |
121 | House Sparrow | 1 |
122 | Yellow Wagtail | 1 |
123 | Pied Wagtail | 1 |
124 | Meadow Pipit | 3 |
125 | Tree Pipit | 2 |
126 | Common Chaffinch | 2 |
127 | Eurasian Bullfinch | 1 |
128 | European Greenfinch | 1 |
129 | Common Linnet | 3 |
130 | European Goldfinch | 2 |
131 | Eurasian Siskin | 1 |
132 | Yellowhammer | 6 |
133 | Common Reed Bunting | 1 |
June 2021 – Norfolk Butterflies, moths, dragonflies and orchids. The latter two day June tours on took in a mixture of birds, butterflies, moths, orchids and others. Some images from these tours are below.
Brown Argus Silver-studded Blue Silver-studded Blue Heath Bedstraw Pyramidal Orchid Four-spotted Chaser Agapeta zoegana Ghost Moth Pine Hawk-moth Plain Goden-Y Flame Banded General Soldierfly Yellow & Black Longhorn beetle Southern Marsh orchid Keeled Skimmer Broad-bodied Chaser