7-9th January 2019
A 3 day exclusive photography workshop in Norfolk
This was the beginning of a 3 day dedicated photography workshop for a client, who specifically wished to target Geese and “wild” Swans. He was specifically keen to get to grips with ‘Bean Geese’. As fortune would have it we ended up seeing both sub-species, well that’s my opinion from the views and images taken.
We found 6 Taiga Bean Geese on the 7th January, amongst c600 Pink-footed Geese and returned to the same area in east Norfolk and found 2 Taiga Bean Geese on 8th Janaury, that had previously been seen in the same flock on and off for several days previously.
Matt demonstrated fantastic fieldcraft in getting up really close especially on day two, when by crawling for nearly an hour, prostrate on the ground he was able to get within 100m of the flock and secured some really nice images.
The images from the two days are below, I won’t go over all the field identification again as anyone who is really interested and still reading this now will be sufficiently versed!

We also had just enough time on the 8th January for Matt to get some excellent shots of Bewick’s swans another of his target species. There was a group of 39 Bewick’s Swans and 42 Whoopers.

9th January 2019
Today we headed up to North Norfolk where Matt got to grips with getting images of Russian White-fronted Geese, around 150 of these delightful geese present today. Images to follow shortly, once Matt has edited.
We also had fun with some nice close Grey Partridge, showing very well and we both got some nice pics. We also found a rather smart looking Black Brant hybrid, very close to the real deal this one!