Participants:- Tamzin Balmer, Sean Browne, Paul Ganney, Tony Parnell, Nigel Slater, Francois Trudel & Kellie Trudel.
Tour Guides for Norfolk Birding – Ryan Irvine & Sumantha Ghosh
This tour took in three Central Indian National Parks. It was the second time we had run this tour and it was primarily based on seeing the apex mammals, but we did also manage a good diversity of birds. The trip was a resounding success, with fantastic views of 11 different Tigers, four Leopards, two Jungle Cats, Indian Guar, Mugger Crocodile and a family of Asiatic Wild Dogs plus many others and a good list of birds.
Apart from several stops on travel days and a boat trip on the Irai reservoir near Tadoba, most of the wildlife and birds were seen via jeep rides in the three parks.
The jeep rides typically were from 6:00am-10:30am and 3:00pm to 6:30pm, with a break in the middle of the day when it tended to be quiet with temperatures reaching the mid 30’s.
27th Februay 2020 – we departed London at 08:00 and arrived in Nagpur, via Doha at 02:10 local time. A quick transfer to the Tuli Imperial Hotel in Nagpur for a few hours sleep.
Tadoba National Park for 4 nights and 3 days.
Pench National Park – 3 nights and 2 days
Kanha – 3 nights and 2 days
Each park consisted of early morning jeep rides, then break in the heat of the day, followed by afternoon, early evening jeep rides. We departed Kanha on 9th March, evening meal at Tuli Imperial, Nagpur and then transferred to Nagpur airport around midnight for flights back to UK.
Francois and Kellie departed early hours as their flight was a little later.
Day 1: 28th February 2020
From Nagpur we transferred via minibus to Tadoba. We stayed near the park at the Serai Tiger Resort, in air-conditioned permanent tented camps. It was comfortable with a good number of birds close by. We managed to do some birding on the way to the camp and a couple hours at the camp and nearby Irai reservoir. Overnight in Tadoba, Serai Tiger Resort
Day 2: 29th February 2020
Morning and evening jeep safaris in Tadoba National park. What a start to the trip, five Tigers in the afternoon including a territorial fight between two adult females! Overnight in Serai Tiger Resort
Day 3: 1st March 2020
Morning and evening jeep safaris in Tadoba National park. Another excellent day with an enjoyable half an hour watching Dhole family and two Leopard sightings the highlights. Overnight in Serai Tiger Resort
Day 4: 2nd March 2018
Morning and evening jeep safaris in Tadoba National park. Overnight in Serai Tiger Resort
Day 5: 3rd March 2020
We hired two local sightseeing boats and spent the early morning birding the lake edge and then an hour on the boat exploring the Irai reservoir which was spectacularly attractive for migrant wildfowl. We left for the Pench Jungle Camp about midday, arriving in time for an hours birding at the camp. Overnight in Pench Jungle Camp
Day 6: 4th March 2020
Morning and evening jeep safaris in Pench National park. Our first day at Pench and it didn’t disappoint, Tiger, Leopard and two Jungle Cats! Overnight in Pench Jungle Camp
Day 7: 5th March 2020
Morning and evening jeep safaris in Pench National park. Two more Tigers!! Overnight in Pench Jungle Camp
Day 8: 6th March 2020
Birding at the camp in the morning, left for Tuli Tiger Resort, Kanha around midday. Birding at the resort in the evening. Overnight in Tuli Tiger Resort
Day 9: 7th March 2020
Morning and evening jeep safaris in Kanha National park. Another Tiger on our first day at Kanha plus a male roaring first thing marking his territory. Overnight in Tuli Tiger Resort
Day 10: 8th March 2020
Morning and evening jeep safaris in Kanha National park. Our final day of jeep safaris and another Tiger and Leopard. A family of Black Buck a cracking end to our safaris. Overnight in Tuli Tiger Resort
Day 11: 9th March 2020
Departed from Kanha after breakfast and travelled back to Nagpur. We arrived in the evening, stayed in a Nagpur Hotel until our pick up at midnight, complete with an evening meal. Francois and Kellie stayed on overnight to catch a flight to Delhi.
Day 12: 10th March 2020 – Transferred to the airport at 12am, took the flights from Nagpur to Doha and then onward to London Heathrow arriving at 11:30am.
Tadoba, Serai Tiger Resort – simple and small permanent air-conditioned tented camp, comfortable without frills. Food was excellent, limited wifi.
Pench Jungle Camp – a luxurious series of large permanent tents, very well appointed with air conditioning and all mod-cons. Wifi in restaurant and reception. Food was excellent.
Kanha, Tuli Tiger Resort – nice place with traditional colonial style feel. Food was good. The rooms were permanent and well appointed. Wifi was available, but was very limited most of the time!
This is a brief and simple report, but the pictures paint a thousand words!
© Black Buck Sean Browne © Common Hawk-cuckoo Sean Browne © Hanuman Langur Sean Browne © Indian Dhole Sean Browne © Indian Dhole Sean Browne © Indian Dhole Sean Browne © Indian Gaur Sean Browne © Golden Jackal Sean Browne © Golden-fronted leafbird Sean Browne © Green Bee-eater Sean Browne © Grey-headed Fish eagle Sean Browne © Indian Roller Sean Browne © Indian Roller Sean Browne © Wild Boar Sean Browne © Indian Magpie-robin Sean Browne © Purple Sunbird Sean Browne © Benghal Tiger Sean Browne © Benghal Tiger Sean Browne © Benghal Tiger Sean Browne © Tickell’s Blue Flycatcher Sean Browne
© Shikra Tamzin Balmer © Benghal Tiger Tamzin Balmer © Benghal Tiger Tamzin Balmer © Benghal Tiger Tamzin Balmer © Orange-headed ground ThrushTamzin Balmer © Crested Serpent Eagle Tamzin Balmer © Bengal Tiger Ryan Irvine © Bengal Tiger Ryan Irvine © Greater-racket tailed Drongo Ryan Irvine The group at Kanha The group showing off their Lifestraw bottles. We are promoting these as an environmental solution to replace single use plastic bottles used by many tourists.
Systematic List of birds recorded
1 | Little Grebe | Tachybaptus ruficollis |
2 | Indian Cormorant | Phalacrocorax fuscicollis |
3 | Great Cormorant | Phalacrocorax carbo |
4 | Little Cormorant | Phalacrocorax niger |
5 | Oriental Darter | Anhinga melanogaster |
6 | Grey Heron | Ardea cinerea |
7 | Purple Heron | Ardea purpurea |
8 | Great Egret | Ardea alba |
9 | Intermediate Egret | Egretta intermedia |
10 | Little Egret | Egretta garzetta |
11 | Indian Pond Heron | Ardeola grayii |
12 | Cattle Egret | Bubulcus ibis |
13 | Black Stork | Ciconia nigra |
14 | Asian Openbill | Anastomus oscitans |
15 | Woolly-necked Stork | Ciconia episcopus |
16 | Lesser Adjutant | Leptoptilos javanicus |
17 | Black-headed Ibis | Threskiornis melanocephalus |
18 | Red-naped Ibis | Pseudibis papillosa |
19 | Glossy Ibis | Plegadis falcinellus |
20 | Lesser Whistling Duck | Dendrocygna javanica |
21 | Bar-headed Goose | Anser indicus |
22 | Ruddy Shelduck | Tadorna ferruginea |
23 | Cotton Pygmy Goose | Nettapus coromandelianus |
24 | Spot-billed Duck | Anas poecilorhyncha |
25 | Wigeon | Anas penelope |
26 | Northern Shoveler | Anas clypeata |
27 | Northern Pintail | Anas acuta |
28 | Gadwall | Mareca strepera |
29 | Common Teal | Anas crecca |
30 | Garganey | Spatula querquedula |
31 | Tufted Duck | Aythya fuligula |
32 | Ferruginous Duck | Aythya nyroca) |
33 | Red-crested Pochard | Netta rufina |
34 | Oriental Honey Buzzard | Pernis ptilorhynchus |
35 | Black-winged Kite | Elanus caeruleus |
36 | Black Kite | Milvus migrans |
37 | Grey-headed Fish Eagle | Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus |
38 | White-rumped Vulture | Gyps bengalensis |
39 | Long-billed Vulture | Gyps indicus |
40 | Red-headed Vulture | Sarcogyps calvus |
41 | Booted Eagle | Hieraaetus pennatus |
42 | Rufous-bellied Eagle | Lophotriorchis kienerii |
43 | Crested Serpent Eagle | Spilornis cheela |
44 | Marsh Harrier | Circus aeruginosus |
45 | Hen Harrier | Circus cyaneus |
46 | Shikra | Accipiter badius |
47 | White-eyed Buzzard | Butastur teesa |
48 | Changeable Hawk-Eagle | Nisaetus cirrhatus |
49 | Common Kestrel | Falco tinnunculus |
50 | Peregrine Falcon | Falco peregrinus |
51 | Grey Francolin | Francolinus pondicerianus |
52 | Jungle Bush Quail | Perdicula asiatica |
53 | Red Spurfowl | Galloperdix spadicea |
54 | Red Junglefowl | Gallus gallus |
55 | Grey Junglefowl | Gallus sonneratii |
56 | Indian Peafowl | Pavo cristatus |
57 | White-breasted Waterhen | Amaurornis phoenicurus |
58 | Grey-headed Swamphen | Porphyrio poliocephalus |
59 | Bronze-winged Jacana | Metopidius indicus |
60 | Black-winged Stilt | Himantopus himantopus |
61 | Eurasian Stone-curlew | Burhinus oedicnemus |
62 | Yellow-wattled Lapwing | Vanellus malabaricus |
63 | Red-wattled Lapwing | Vanellus indicus |
64 | Ringed Plover | Charadrius hiaticula |
65 | Little Ringed Plover | Charadrius dubius |
66 | Spotted Redshank | Tringa erythropus |
67 | Common Greenshank | Tringa nebularia |
68 | Wood Sandpiper | Tringa glareola |
69 | Green Sandpiper | Tringa ochropus |
70 | Common Sandpiper | Actitis hypoleucos |
71 | Greater Painted-snipe | Rostratula benghalensis |
72 | Common Snipe | Gallinago gallinago |
73 | River Tern | Sterna aurantia |
74 | Rock Dove | Columba livia |
75 | Oriental Turtle Dove | Streptopelia orientalis |
76 | Eurasian Collared Dove | Streptopelia decaocto |
77 | Spotted Dove | Spiloopelia chinensis |
78 | Laughing Dove | Spilopelia senegalensis |
79 | Yellow-footed Green Pigeon | Treron phoenicopterus |
80 | Alexandrine Parakeet | Psittacula eupatria |
81 | Rose-ringed Parakeet | Psittacula krameri |
82 | Plum-headed Parakeet | Psittacula cyanocephala |
83 | Asian Koel | Eudynamys scolopaceus |
84 | Common Hawk-Cuckoo | Hierococcyx varius |
85 | Indian Cuckoo | Cuculus micropterus |
86 | Black-headed Cuckoo-shrike | Coracina melanoptera |
87 | Sirkeer Malkoha | Taccocua eschenaultia |
88 | Greater Coucal | Centropus sinensis |
89 | Indian Scops Owl | Otus bakkamoena |
90 | Brown Fish Owl | Ketupa zeylonensis |
91 | Jungle Owlet | Glaucidium radiatum |
92 | Spotted Owlet | Athene brama |
93 | Mottled Wood Owl | Strix ocellata |
94 | Brown Hawk Owl | Ninox scutulata |
95 | Jungle Nightjar | Caprimulgus indicus |
96 | Indian Nightjar | Caprimulgus asiaticus |
97 | Little Swift | Apus affinus |
98 | Asian Palm Swift | Cypsiurus balasiensis |
99 | Stork-billed Kingfisher | Pelargopsis capensis |
100 | Common Kingfisher | Alcedo atthis |
101 | White-throated Kingfisher | Halcyon smyrnensis |
102 | Pied Kingfisher | Ceryle rudis |
103 | Green Bee-eater | Merops orientalis |
104 | Indian Roller | Coracias benghalensis |
105 | Eurasian Hoopoe | Upupa epops |
106 | Indian Grey Hornbill | Ocyceros birostris |
107 | Malabar Pied Hornbill | Anthracoceros coronatus |
108 | Coppersmith Barbet | Megalaima haemacephala |
109 | Brown-headed Barbet | Psilopogon zeylanicus |
110 | Yellow-crowned Woodpecker | Leiopicus mahrattensis |
111 | Brown-capped Pygmy W’pecker | Yungipicus nanus |
112 | Lesser Yellownape | Picus chlorolophus |
113 | Black-rumped Flameback | Dinopium benghalense |
114 | White-naped Woodpecker | Chrysocolaptes festivus |
115 | Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica |
116 | Wire-tailed Swallow | Hirundo smithii |
117 | Red-rumped Swallow | Cecropis daurica |
118 | Plain Martin | Riparia chinensis |
119 | Common House Martin | Delichon urbicum |
120 | Yellow Wagtail | Motacilla flava |
121 | Citrine Wagtail | Motacilla cinerea |
122 | White Wagtail | Motacilla alba |
123 | White-browed Wagtail | Motacilla madaraspatensis |
124 | Grey Wagtail | Motacilla cinerea |
125 | Rufous-tailed Lark | Ammomanes phoenicura |
126 | Paddyfield Pipit | Anthus rufulus |
127 | Olive-backed Pipit | Anthus hodgsoni |
128 | Tree Pipit | Anthus trivialis |
129 | Large Cuckooshrike | Coracina macei |
130 | Small Minivet | Pericrocotus cinnamomeus |
131 | Scarlet Minivet | Pericrocotus flammeus |
132 | Red-vented Bulbul | Pycnonotus cafer |
133 | White-browed Bulbul | Pycnonotus luteolus |
134 | Golden-fronted Leafbird | Chloropsis aurifrons |
135 | Common Iora | Aegithina tiphia |
136 | Orange-headed Thrush | Geokichla citrina |
137 | Tickells Thrush | Turdus unicolor |
138 | Zitting Cisticola | Cisticola juncidis |
139 | Jungle Prinia | Prinia sylvatica |
140 | Ashy Prinia | Prinia socialis |
141 | Plain Prinia | Prinia inornata |
142 | Common Tailorbird | Orthotomus sutorius |
143 | Clamorous Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus stentoreus |
144 | Blyths Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus dumetorum |
145 | Greenish Warbler | Phylloscopus trochiloides |
146 | Humes Warbler | Phylloscopus humei |
147 | Siberian Chiff-chaff | Phylloscopus (collybita) tristis |
148 | Sulphur-bellied Warbler | Phylloscopus griseolus |
149 | Asian Brown Flycatcher | Muscicapa dauurica |
150 | Red-breasted Flycatcher | Ficedula parva |
151 | Verditer Flycatcher | Eumyias thalassinus |
152 | Tickell’s Blue Flycatcher | Cyornis tickelliae |
153 | Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher | Culicicapa ceylonensis |
154 | Oriental Magpie-Robin | Copsychus saularis |
155 | Indian Robin | Copsychus fulicatus |
156 | Black Redstart | Phoenicurus ochruros |
157 | Siberian Stonechat | Saxicola maurus |
158 | Pied Bush Chat | Saxicola caprata |
159 | Brown Rock Chat | Cercomela fusca |
160 | White-rumped Shama | Copsychus malabaricus |
161 | White-browed Fantail | Rhipidura aureola |
162 | Black-naped Monarch | Hypothymis azurea |
163 | Indian Paradise Flycatcher | Terpsiphone paradisi |
164 | Tawny-bellied Babbler | Dumetia hyperythra |
165 | Common Babbler | Turdoides caudata |
166 | Large Grey Babbler | Turdoides malcolmi |
167 | Jungle Babbler | Turdoides striata |
168 | Indian Scimitar babbler | Pomatorhinus horsfieldii |
169 | Brown-cheeked Fulvetta | Alcippe poioicephala |
170 | Yellow-eyed Babbler | Chrysomma sinense |
171 | Great Tit | Parus major |
172 | Indian Nuthatch | Sitta castanea |
173 | Purple Sunbird | Cinnyris asiaticus |
174 | Purple -rumped Sunbird | Leptocoma zeylonica |
175 | Pale-billed Flowerpecker | Dicaeum erythrorhynchos |
176 | Thick-billed Flowerpecker | Dicaeum agile |
177 | Oriental White-eye | Zosterops palpebrosus |
178 | Eurasian Golden Oriole | Oriolus oriolus |
179 | Black-hooded Oriole | Oriolus xanthornus |
180 | Brown Shrike | Lanius cristatus |
181 | Bay-backed Shrike | Lanius vittatus |
182 | Long-tailed Shrike | Lanius schach |
183 | Common Woodhsrike | Tephrodornis pondicerianus |
184 | Black Drongo | Dicrurus macrocercus |
185 | White-bellied Drongo | Dicrurus caerulescens |
186 | Greater Racket-tailed Drongo | Dicrurus paradiseus |
187 | Spangled Drongo | Dicrurus hottentottus |
188 | Rufous Treepie | Dendrocitta vagabunda |
189 | House Crow | Corvus splendens |
190 | Large-billed Crow | Corvus macrorhynchos |
191 | Common Myna | Acridotheres tristis |
192 | Asian Pied Starling | Gracupica contra |
193 | Brahminy Starling | Sturnia pagodarum |
194 | Chestnut-tailed Starling | Sturnia malabarica |
195 | Rosy Starling | Pastor roseus |
196 | House Sparrow | Passer domesticus |
197 | Chestnut-shouldred Petronia | Gymnoris xanthocollis |
198 | Common Rosefinch | Carpodacus erythrinus |
199 | White-rumped Munia | Lonchura striata |
200 | Indian Silverbill | Euodice malabarica |
Systematic list of Mammals and others
1 | Mugger Crocodile |
2 | Royal Bengal Tiger |
3 | Leopard |
4 | Jungle Cat |
5 | Rhesus Macaque |
6 | Common Langur |
7 | Ruddy Mongoose |
8 | Golden Jackal |
9 | Dhole (Asiatic Wild Dog) |
10 | Indian Flying Fox |
11 | Indian or Black-naped Hare |
12 | Three-striped Palm Squirrel |
13 | Gaur (Indian Bison) |
14 | Sambar |
15 | Barasingha (Swamp Deer) |
16 | Chital (Spotted Deer) |
17 | Indian Muntjac (Barking Deer) |
18 | Black Buck |
19 | Nilgai (Blue Bull) |
20 | Indian Wild Boar |
21 | Common Palm Civet |
22 | Grey Mongoose |
23 | Banded Kukri Snake |
24 | Soft-shelled Turtle |
Systematic list of butterflies recorded
1 | Common Tiger |
2 | Plain Tiger |
3 | Common Crow |
4 | Common Evening Brown |
5 | Darkbrand Bush Brown |
6 | Common Leopard |
7 | Common Sailor |
8 | Baronet |
9 | Chocolate Pansy |
10 | Grey Pansy |
11 | Lemon Pansy |
12 | Great Eggfly |
13 | Peacock Pansy |
14 | Small Branded Swift |
15 | Common Mormon |
16 | Common Rose |
17 | Common Grass Yellow |
18 | Common Emigrant |
19 | Mottled Emigrant |
20 | Common Wanderer |
21 | Common Jezebel |
22 | Common Lineblue |
Future Tours
If you are interested in joining us in India then we have a tour in December 2020 please contact us for details. This specific tour is next scheduled for March 2021.
Norfolk Birding
07876 357677