October and November Norfolk bird tour sightings

October and November was a busy period as usual, tours ran on as follows on the following days, I have listed the species recorded below. The main sites visited included Holkham NNR, Holme dunes, Titchwell RSPB , Snettisham RSPB, Lakenheath RSPB , Welney WWT reserve, Hickling NWT, Cley NWT, Lynford arboretum, Swanton Novers NNR and The Brecks.

  • October 12th-14th – 3 day & 3 night tour
  • October 17th Day Tour
  • October 28-30th 3 day & 3 night tour
  • November 8-10th 3 day & 3 night tour
  • November 15th Day tour
  • November 19-21st 3 day & 3 night tour
  • November 25-27th 3 day & 3 night tour

A total of 166 species were recorded during tours throughout the above, the more interesting species are bolded in the systematic list below. Below are a few images taken during the tours – click on them to enlarge.

1Greylag Goose84Red-throated Diver
2Greater White-fronted Goose85Black-throated Diver
3Tundra Bean Goose86Great Northern Diver
4Pink-footed Goose87Northern Fulmar
5Brent Goose88Northern Gannet
6Barnacle Goose89Great Cormorant
7Canada Goose90Eurasian Spoonbill
8Mute Swan91Eurasian Bittern
9Bewick’s Swan92Little Egret
10Whooper Swan93Western Cattle-Egret
11Egyptian Goose94Great White Egret
12Common Shelduck95Grey Heron
13Northern Shoveler96Eurasian Sparrowhawk
14Gadwall97Eurasian Goshawk
15Eurasian Wigeon98Western Marsh Harrier
16Mallard99Hen Harrier
17Northern Pintail100Pallid Harrier
18Eurasian Teal101Red Kite
19Common Pochard102Common Buzzard
20Common Pochard x Ferruginous Duck (hybrid)103Western Barn Owl
21Tufted Duck104Tawny Owl
22Greater Scaup105Short-eared Owl
23Common Eider106Common Kingfisher
24Velvet Scoter107Great Spotted Woodpecker
25Common Scoter108Eurasian Green Woodpecker
26Long-tailed Duck109Common Kestrel
27Common Goldeneye110Merlin
28Red-breasted Merganser111Peregrine Falcon
29Grey Partridge112Eurasian Jay
30Common Pheasant113Common Magpie
31Red-legged Partridge114Eurasian Jackdaw
32Rock Dove115Rook
33Stock Dove116Carrion Crow
34Common Woodpigeon117Coal Tit
35Collared Dove118Marsh Tit
36Water Rail119Eurasian Blue Tit
37Common Moorhen120Great Tit
38Eurasian Coot121Woodlark
39Common Crane122Eurasian Skylark
40Stone-curlew123Shore Lark
41Pied Avocet124Bearded Tit
42Eurasian Oystercatcher125Barn Swallow
43Grey Plover126Western House Martin
44European Golden Plover127Yellow-browed Warbler
45Common Ringed Plover128Common Chiffchaff
46Northern Lapwing129Cetti’s Warbler
47Eurasian Curlew130Long-tailed Tit
48Bar-tailed Godwit131Eurasian Blackcap
49Black-tailed Godwit132Goldcrest
50Long-billed Dowitcher133Firecrest
51Jack Snipe134Eurasian Nuthatch
52Eurasian Woodcock135Eurasian Treecreeper
53Common Snipe136Eurasian Wren
54Green Sandpiper137Common Starling
55Common Redshank138Mistle Thrush
56Spotted Redshank139Song Thrush
57Common Greenshank140Redwing
58Ruddy Turnstone141Eurasian Blackbird
59Red Knot142Fieldfare
60Ruff143Ring Ouzel
61Sanderling144European Robin
62Dunlin145European Stonechat
63Arctic Skua146Northern Wheatear
64Pomarine Skua147Dunnock
65Great Skua148House Sparrow
66Razorbill149Eurasian Tree Sparrow
67Common Guillemot150Grey Wagtail
68Black-legged Kittiwake151Pied Wagtail/White Wagtail
69Black-headed Gull152Meadow Pipit
70Mediterranean Gull153Tree Pipit
71Common Gull154Water Pipit
72European Herring Gull155Rock Pipit
73Yellow-legged Gull156Common Chaffinch
74Great Black-backed Gull157Brambling
75Lesser Black-backed Gull159European Greenfinch
76Arctic Tern160Common Linnet
77Common/Arctic Tern161Redpoll
78Sandwich Tern162European Goldfinch
79Little Grebe163Eurasian Siskin
80Slavonian Grebe164Snow Bunting
81Red-necked Grebe165Yellowhammer
82Great Crested Grebe166Common Reed Bunting
83Black-necked Grebe167Penduline Tit