26th August 2020 – Day Three of three. Exclusive Guiding Tour
With a strong WNW wind we had a really enjoyable day seawatching the stand out birds were the Black Guillemot, and Osprey that flew in off the sea. Unfortunately these were both before David and Sue arrived, but they throughly enjoyed getting to grips with Arctic & Great Skuas, plus Common and Sandwich terns, a great learning curve with a constant procession of adult and juvenile terns offshore.
Eurasian Teal 17
Common Scoter 20 West
Red-breasted Merganser 1 West
Great Crested Grebe 1 West
Whimbrel (European) 2
Bar-tailed Godwit 2
Ruddy Turnstone 1
Red Knot 3
Sanderling 1
Dunlin 2
Great Skua 8
Arctic Skua 14
BLACK GUILLEMOT 1 A juvenile bird was present on the sea close inshore as I arrived & it flew East and then ditched again. It was also seen at Sheringham later in the morning.
Mediterranean Gull 1 Juv
Little Tern 2
Black Tern 2 Juv west
Northern Fulmar 1
Manx Shearwater 20 East
OSPREY 1 flew in off the sea, first located 3-4 miles out over the sea – fantastic stuff!
Western Yellow Wagtail 4